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App:                                                                      Software Data Cable


Developer:                                                          Dami App


Size:                                                                     2.3 MB


Written by: Arun Asok.

Later edited by: Jeroen van Kuijk


There are many phones that haven't got a WiFi-Direct function, nor NFC connection. For these phones, the developers of Dami App came with the ultimate solution: The Software Data Cable app.

This app functions as a WiFi-Direct function, without it being integrated in your phone. It searches other phones that are connected to the same WiFi Network and when found, you can share files.

The app is a lightweight and usefull app which transfers files with a speed of 3 to 5 mb/s


To transfer files via the app, you must follow the steps below:


1. Install the app on both the phones and open the

2. Select the option "Sync Phone" in both devices.

3.Click the option "Share With Friends". A window will open and show two options: Create and Join. On one of the phones you should "Create", and on the other you should "Join". 

4. After a few seconds, the app will recognize the other phone and it will display, just like we're used to in Bluetooth. Click the displayed phone

5. Now you are ready to send files.. Click on
storage, select any file and select "Direct Push". Your
file will be sent.

There are many more apps which have this function, but to me, this is the most stable and fast app. It's easy to use and it's really fast.

Google Play

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